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Showing 28–36 of 36 results


  • Disability Awareness: Working with People with Disabilities

    In this course, you will explore what the word disabilities means and what some common disabilities are. You will also explore stereotypes, misconceptions, and labels. Then, you will learn ways to encourage diversity, create an accessible workplace, make appropriate accommodations, and protect the privacy of your employees.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    Here you will learn how to recognize a positive work environment and understand the key elements that are needed to create one. You will also discover what you can do personally to build on in your workplace and figure out what type of team player you are. Along the way you will be shown the importance of effective workplace relationships in creating and maintaining a positive environment at work. You will also reveal your personal strengths and weaknesses in working cooperatively and your preference for dealing with workplace conflict.
  • Creating a Workplace Wellness Program

    To begin this course, you will consider the benefits of workplace wellness programs. Then, you will learn how to create a wellness committee, outline a wellness program, gather support for it, perform appropriate research (including a needs analysis), design an appropriate package, and get buy-in for it. You will also learn how to implement the wellness program, evaluate how it is doing, and present the results in a tangible manner.
  • Crisis Management

    To begin this course, you will learn how to put the right people in place with a crisis management team and appropriate training. Then, you will learn how to identify and assess crisis risks, develop a response process, and gather appropriate resources. You will also learn how to respond to, document, and investigate crises; establish an emergency operations center; create a continuity plan; and recover from a crisis.
  • GDPR Readiness: Getting the Message Out

    In this one-day course, you will learn: about internal communication methods, about privacy training, and promoting a good privacy culture,about the elements of a good customer privacy policy, how to write and design a cookie banner disclaimer for your website, and how to design a privacy-compliant web form.
  • Creating Successful Staff Retreats

    In this course you are going to learn a comprehensive approach to crafting a successful staff retreat for your organization. You are going to look at why retreats are conducted, look at retreat undertaking categories and then advance to the development and presentation of retreat activities. Your retreat education doesnt stop there as you are also going to learn how to identify the critical elements of a staff retreat and you will learn to create a planning checklist and about the keys of running a retreat. When the retreat is over, your responsibilities arent, you need to evaluate how things went so you will learn how to create an evaluation and follow up.
  • Employee Accountability

    You will begin this course by exploring what accountability is all about and some recent events that have caused people to look at accountability more closely. Then, youll learn ways to build accountability and ownership in your organization and make yourself more accountable. Supporting skills, like goal setting, feedback, and delegation, are also covered.
  • Business Ethics for the Office

    In this course, you will learn what the terms ethics, morals, and values mean. Then, you will learn about several different ethical frameworks, including Kohlbergs six stages, philosophical approaches, personal values, and codes of ethics. You will also learn how to avoid ethical dilemmas, make ethical decisions, handle common ethical dilemmas, and recover from mistakes.
  • Workplace Harassment: What It Is and What to Do About It

    In this course, you will learn about different types of harassment. You will also learn prevention strategies (such as harassment policies and handling issues promptly), what to do if you are harassed, what to do if you are accused of harassment, and how to handle harassment as a manager. Then, you will learn a basic complaint resolution process (including how to handle false complaints), when mediation might be an option, and ways to help the workplace return to normal.