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Showing 73–81 of 181 results


  • Customer Service Training: Managing Customer Service

    In this course, you will learn about the six critical elements of customer service. You will also learn about Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchards Situational Leadership II model, servant leadership, and the five practices in James Kouzes and Barry Posner's The Leadership Challenge.
  • Building a Consulting Business

    This course will guide you along your journey to starting your own consulting business. It will take a look at important components such as business plans and marketing plans while touching on networking and important documents you need to consider.
  • Project Management Fundamentals

    In this course, you will learn what a project is and what a project manager does. You will also learn about the life cycle of a project. In particular, you will focus on the conceptual phase of project management, where you identify, prioritize, and scope a project idea.
  • Crisis Management

    To begin this course, you will learn how to put the right people in place with a crisis management team and appropriate training. Then, you will learn how to identify and assess crisis risks, develop a response process, and gather appropriate resources. You will also learn how to respond to, document, and investigate crises; establish an emergency operations center; create a continuity plan; and recover from a crisis.
  • Project Management: All You Need to Know

    Upon completion of this course you will have developed valuable new skills that will allow you to competently manage a project. You will come away from this course knowing about project management basics and how to being project planning. You will learn about the project life cycle and project planning documents. Youll learn about communications and how to deal changes and project tracking and also how to conduct status meetings. The course wraps up with a look at closing your project.
  • Safety in the Workplace

    This course will teach you how to create a safety culture in your organization by developing a safety committee, identifying and resolving hazards, taking proactive safety measures, developing a safety plan, and reviewing your safety program. You will also learn how to respond to, document, and investigate safety incidents.
  • The Minute Taker’s Workshop

    Youll begin this course by learning what a minute-taker does and what skills they should have. Then, youll learn about different styles of minutes, what to record, how to prepare minutes, and how to keep a minute book.
  • Conflict Resolution: Getting Along In The Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what conflict is all about. You will also learn about different types of conflict, stages of conflict, helping others through conflict, and creating win/win solutions. As a bonus, you will also learn supporting skills, such as communication, active listening, and body language.
  • Delegation: The Art Of Delegating Effectively

    This course will teach you how delegation can make you more successful, ways that you can delegate, techniques for giving instructions, how to monitor delegation results, and how to give good feedback. You will also learn an eight-step delegation process that you can customize for any situation.