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Showing 55–63 of 181 results


  • Conflict Resolution: Getting Along In The Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what conflict is all about. You will also learn about different types of conflict, stages of conflict, helping others through conflict, and creating win/win solutions. As a bonus, you will also learn supporting skills, such as communication, active listening, and body language.
  • Conducting Accurate Internet Research

    This course is going to provide you with the skills you will need to get the most of an Internet search. You will learn where to look for information, how to find it, and the types of information that you can, and cannot, find online. It looks at the surface web and then takes you further in your searching skills to the deep web.
  • Creativity In The Workplace

    After you complete this course, you will be able to, define creativity, identify the characteristics of a creative person, develop your creativity, understand the importance of creativity in the workplace, identify the benefits of creativity in the workplace, examine creative corporate cultures, foster creativity in the workplace, and apply brainstorming techniques.
  • Managing Pressure and Maintaining Balance

    This course will teach you about the causes and costs of workplace pressure, the benefits of creating balance, and how to identify pressure points. You will also learn how to apply emotional intelligence, increase optimism and resilience, and develop strategies for getting ahead.
  • The Minute Taker’s Workshop

    Youll begin this course by learning what a minute-taker does and what skills they should have. Then, youll learn about different styles of minutes, what to record, how to prepare minutes, and how to keep a minute book.
  • E-Commerce Management

    This course will give you the skills to develop, design, test and successfully run your e-commerce business. It looks at important components such as business plans and marketing while touching upon payment methods, software solutions, security and fraud awareness, and much more. With those topics covered you will have the skills to take your e-commerce business to the next level.
  • Knowledge Management

    In this course, you will learn what knowledge is, what knowledge management is, how tacit and explicit knowledge are different, and the business benefits that knowledge management can bring. Then, you will learn about the knowledge management mix (which includes people, technology, and process) as well as a four step process for building your knowledge management framework. You will also learn about four knowledge management models: Bukowitz and Williams KM Process Framework, Gamble and Blackwells knowledge management matrix, Bothas process model, and Nonaka and Takeuchis spiral model. Implementation aspects, such as knowledge management teams, post-mortem plans, KMBOKs, Chief Knowledge Officers, and pilot programs, are covered as well.
  • Building Relationships for Success in Sales

    This course will teach you how to leverage customer-focused selling, identify what influences relationships, expand your communication skills, manage your body language, develop a professional handshake, and grow your network.
  • Developing Your Training Program

    You will start this course by considering what training is, when it is necessary, and what other options are out there. Then, you will learn the ICE method for identifying needs, a seven-step model for instructional design, and tips for building an engaging program. Next, you will walk through the steps of program design, including setting learning objectives, identifying evaluation strategies, choosing learning methodologies, finding content, creating energizers, using assessment tools, developing supporting materials, and testing the program. You will also receive tips on creating a proposal for a training program and building rapport with company sponsors.