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  • Basic Business Management: Boot Camp for Business Owners

    This course will give you all the skills that you need as a new business owner. Youll learn how to develop your organizational chart, manage operations, speak knowledgeably about finance, hire the right people, build your brand, market your product online and offline, complete a strategic plan and a succession plan, and build your customer base. Youll also learn the basics of leadership and tips for taking your business to the next level.
  • Creativity In The Workplace

    After you complete this course, you will be able to, define creativity, identify the characteristics of a creative person, develop your creativity, understand the importance of creativity in the workplace, identify the benefits of creativity in the workplace, examine creative corporate cultures, foster creativity in the workplace, and apply brainstorming techniques.
  • The Minute Taker’s Workshop

    Youll begin this course by learning what a minute-taker does and what skills they should have. Then, youll learn about different styles of minutes, what to record, how to prepare minutes, and how to keep a minute book.
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what bullying is and what it can cost an organization. You will also learn how to protect yourself from bullying, what to do if you are bullied, and what to do if you witness bullying.
  • Becoming a Better Learner

    After you complete this course, you will be able to understand what it means to learn and become a life-long learner, know what a mindset for learning looks like and how to adopt one, set realistic goals, understand what your network is and why expanding it is important, know how to ask questions and why that is important, become accountable for your goals and take responsibility, and know how to accelerate your learning.
  • Research Skills

    In this course, you will learn basic research skills, such as reading, memory recall, and note-taking. You will also learn how to create different kinds of outlines for different stages of your project, and how to move from the outline to writing, editing, and polishing. As well, youll learn how to find information using the librarys Dewey Decimal System, journals, and the Internet.
  • Story Marketing for Small Businesses

    This course covers the essential elements of a story marketing campaign, from a review of company message and brand, to the elements of good storytelling. The course leads participants through the steps of creating a marketing story knowing your company, knowing and connecting with customers, and the story writing and editing process. This creates a clear and engaging path that will lead customers to your products and services and encourage them to respond to your call to action.
  • Creating a Dynamite Job Portfolio

    In this course, youll learn about the different aspects of your job package, including your resume, cover letter, and job portfolio. Youll also receive a plan that will get you to a job in 60 days, techniques for writing thank-you notes, and tips for choosing your references.
  • Working with the Media: Creating a Positive Working Relationship

    You are going to have a good grasp of the interview process when you are done of this course, from the perspective of a regular citizen or as a professional spokesperson. In addition to speaking to the media, youre going to learn how to pass your message along via a press release or media package. Libel and slander will come under consideration as well as various types of media outlets and the concept of a professional relationship with the media versus a personal one.